Wednesday, March 31, 2010

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What Will be Your Legacy?

I just wrote my Mom's eulogy so I have spent the last several days contemplating her legacy. It made me realize the true value of keeping legacy in mind every day- for each decision, each action, each time we interact with one another. It can be easy to lose sight of these truly important things in our fast-changing and complex world.
What will be your legacy? Mom was a teacher and grade-school librarian so her legacy was much more far-reaching than her immediate family and friends. One thing was clear to anyone whose life she touched, she always gave her best and expected the same of those she loved, cared about and watched over. Her grade-school students not only learned proper grammar and how to write a paper, they also learned discipline and respectful behavior. They learned to always do your best, try your hardest and make someone you love and respect proud. Those lessons are her enduring legacy, and for that I will always be grateful. I imagine the same is true for her students.
As a leader, what will your legacy be?

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